When asked to create a list of my favorite RSS Feeds, I said, "What?" After a few hours of looking around, I found some excellent sites, some that can really help me in my career! Or to just make it through the day to day! The list is as follows:
Edutopia- http://www.edutopia.org/crss/node/6222
This site will be very important for me because it argues the importance or a great Art Education in schools. There are many different arguments as to why the arts are so important as well as justifying a reason for the arts to remain in schools. Now more then ever, school boards are questioning which programs are the most important to keep due to massive budget cuts country wide. This feed will help me stay on top of why my field is so important as well as provide back up ideas if I ever need to fight for my position.
NAEA- http://feeds2.feedburner.com/inaea
This site will primarily be for keeping me up to date in Arts Education. I know that a a teacher sometimes we can get caught up in teaching the same things the same way. The blessing I have being the Art Teacher is that I can mold my curriculum to fit what I want students to accomplish when they are with me. This site will hopefully serve to provide me with new ideas as well as keep me up to date in the art world.
DeviantArt- Popular in the last 8 hours- http://backend.deviantart.com/rss.xml?q=boost%3Apopular+meta%3Aall+max_age%3A8h&type=deviation&offset=0
This site uploads a few photographs of artwork that has been popular or been hit a lot on the popular website DeviantArt. Sometimes just seeing a piece will spark an idea in my head of a new lesson for my students, and sometimes will inspire me to go outside of my box. This alone will serve purposeful to me because it will catch my attention and force me to look at new art on a regular basis.
The Carrot Revolution: A Blog About Art Education… and Vegetables. http://carrotrevolution.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
This is a site where Art Educators can share photographs, videos, and blogs about their day to day experience in their classrooms and what they have learned from it. This will be instrumental for me to reflect on my classroom. I feel that reflection or just talking about what went well and what you could do better is so helpful to educators because it really helps you sift out pertinent information to enable you to teach better.
The Teaching Palette- http://feeds.feedburner.com/theteachingpalette
This is similar to the last site, where teachers can reflect on their day to day, what works, and what does not. However, this also talks about classroom set up, how to store materials, how to keep track of artwork, how to set up your class to best benefit the students, and also posts pictures to help people to better understand what they mean. It also includes cross curricular and multicultural ideas.
Again, the list, CHECK THEM OUT!:
1) Edutopia- http://www.edutopia.org/crss/node/6222
2) NAEA- http://feeds2.feedburner.com/inaea
3) DeviantArt- Popular in the last 8 hours- http://backend.deviantart.com
4) The Carrot Revolution: A Blog About Art Education… and Vegetables. http://carrotrevolution.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
5) The Teaching Palette- http://feeds.feedburner.com/theteachingpalette
Photograph provided by Meghan Bassett
VERY COOL stuff Meghan! I'd like to use some of these. THANKS for great sharing!