Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wk1-Blog#3: Comment #2 To Judy

Judy said,
"I was introduced to some of the basic copyright laws and issues during my graphic design courses. Students in my classes who used other people's work for an assignment asked permission from the owners. Surprisingly, most gave permission easily as long as they received some sort of credit for it. I can see the pros and cons on copyrighting. As an artist, I wouldn't want anybody else to take credit for something I did. On the other hand, so much creativity can come from sampling and using bits and pieces of work that is already out there. Why reinvent the wheel? This is a tricky issue that will eventually have to evolve into some happy medium. As of now, owner's permission and creative commons is the way to go to prevent issues and legal problems."
Posted by Judy De Los Santos at 10:01 PM
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Meghan Bassett said...

"I'm not sure about you, but trying to find things my students want using creative commons search engines has been awful. I totally agree with you about reinventing the wheel.
My students tend to look things up on google and use them but change something about the picture. It's not necessarily artwork, but let's say they're using a photograph of a frog to draw from, would that be a copyright issue? Like you said, they use bits and pieces of things already out there. Personally I'm with you. I wouldn't want anyone copying my exact piece, but if I take a photograph and someone wants to use elements of it in a drawing, I wouldn't mind."

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